In our family, it seems natural to go into the teaching field (all of my aunts are teachers), and Katie falls right into being a "natural." Katie and I had the opportunity (God works in great ways!) to work together with Gina at The Academy and Minds in Motion, a private school and preschool, the last two years. She took care of Elizabeth at the preschool, while I taught at The Academy, where Erika and Emily were. Katie and I were able to work next door to each for two years, it worked out great. If money grew on trees, I would still be at The Academy, no doubt. There is so much I miss. Ironically, Katie and I decided we needed to pour our energy into our homes, but we all know money is not in easy reach.
I love the fact that Katie can call me and say, "I need you to come over," and I'm there. Life changes a bit when God answers your prayers about having a family, and when Katie and Brian weighed out the options, there was no doubt Katie wanted to be home. So babysitting it is. I'm pretty sure I'm a better mom and wife being home. I'm pretty blessed, including having my sisters.
wow, I can't believe that! Katie is going to be a Mommy...I feel really old!