Thursday, June 23, 2011

End Of School Year

Erika needing some company to help her work...
An experiment on brain reflex
Making homemade soaps, lotions and shampoos in our elective class

Saturday, June 4, 2011


At our co- op this week they made fingerprints and determined observed them to see if they have an arch, loop, or whorl.  They learned that the ridges in their dermis form fingerprints, which are all unique.  They were amazed when they compared and learned that God made their fingerprints like no other fingerprints in the world.  Even identical twins have different fingerprints. Even if you cut your finger deeply, your fingerprint will grow back exactly as it has always been.  This is because fingers are created deep in the dermis.  They learned that everywhere we go we leave our fingerprints on things because of the oil and sweat glands.  Cool stuff!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Where Did The Year Go?!

                                                         Heading off to First Grade!
 So excited to ride the bus! (But mommy ended up carpooling with some neighbors, because the bus ride was an hour each way- 2 hours is too much time on the bus, if you ask me)

 The girls loved coming to help at the class parties.  They were like little teachers- Mrs. Englert wanted them to stay for the day!
 Mrs. Englert was our angel in disguise this year- she is an amazing person.  She has a heart of gold and we were blessed for Ellie to be in her class- she went above and beyond to meet Ellie's needs. 
 Papaw loved hearing her book she wrote for Young Author's Night- this book is a keeper!
                                            Singing at her musical...  she played the xylophone also

The girls wanted to get something special for Ellie since they felt like she missed out on so much with them during the school year.  They bought her a summer shirt and gorgeous extensions.  She about flipped out- she was ecstatic!  They made her a sign that said "Welcome Home."  After this year and lots of reflection and praying, she is going to be homeschooled next year as well.  Ellie will do great wherever she is- and she's very excited about next year.  I am so thrilled with my year with the girls, we are already planning next year and what we will do the same/different.  I think her face says it all.   :)