Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Thankful for volunteers

Making up my mind and feeling good about it has always been bery hard for my.  Maybe part of it is the side of me that always wants to please everyone, or the part of me that puts everyone else first.  Whatever it is, I am definitely a wishy-washy kind-of person, which sometimes leads me to being taken advantage of.  I have been doing lots of slef-reflection lately, and I vow to all my friends and family to focus on what is important (YOU!) and to not worry about the little things.  Since I have worked the last two years, I feel like maybe I put off some of the things I take for granted in life (YOU) and I know that I am on borrowed time here on Earth. 
Right about now you are asking why are you thankful and why the calendar picture?!?!  Well, let me tell you, I can't say how hard it had been to leave The Academy and the staff and pull my firls away from an incredible educational experience, but for personal reasons, Rob and I decided I am a much better mom (and wife) staying home and I thank God everyday I can do that (this year). Transitioning from public to private was HUGE for my girls.  There is so much my girls miss about The Academy, but I have to say God (and Granny) was looking out for us when we decided to simplify life.  I have to say I have found my "happy place."  I am so happy being home.  I am blessed.  Some moms are better moms working, I am definitely a better mom (and wife) being home. 
The picture is a reflection of how we lucked out with Ellie's teacher in kindergarten.  She sent this schedule home for the volunteers- she actually had so many, we were only able to help out once a month.  Wow... I like that.  I am thankful that there are that many volunteers each month that want to help in the classroom in the public schools... I like it... I am thankful...

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