Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ellie's To-Do List

She gets it honestly! I have lists all over the house, only to hope to sit donw at night to cross a few off the list. Emily and Ellie seem to do the same. I found this in Ellie's room taped to her wall in her room the other day. Little did I know she wanted to accomplish EVERYTHING off the list the next morning! A very determined child she is, as she woke up with the girls and dutifully completed her list and checked them off. I hate to say this, but out of my three girls, I am most suprised she was so motivated! She has discovered a whole new world out there since she is reading and writing- I love it! She's wants to keep a journal that I also do with my two older girls and we write back and forth to each other. She writes something and stands there while I write back. She could do this all day. Here is her To do list I found in her room. I couldn't resist taking a picture to document her new world!  (If you double click on the picture it will enlarge the list... maybe it's just me and having taught kindergarten, but i could read it!  Too cute, she even checked them off as she did them!)

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