Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Top Ten on Tuesday

This is my first time at attempting a Top Ten on Tuesday list, that I feel I should try to capture my life in  a nutshell, when I don't have my camera, that are too good to forget. 
1. "Try always, when you are caught up in your day to day life, when work surrounds you and closes you in, when caring for the needs of your family consumes your day, remember that life is a gift not a promise.  Remember to hold those around you close and tell them you love them often.  Remember to count your blessings and hold them tight. 
2. I ran (jogged) my first 5k race, and my hubby was by my side encouraging me the whole time!  Until January, I hadn't run longer than one song on my i-pod.  So, I'm kinda proud of myself.  :)
3.  Had to toot my own horn on #2, because that was my one minute of glory as Rob is running the half marathon in the Pig on Sunday.  I know, impressive!  Rolling out of bed at 5 am on the mornings he was home shows his determination and focus.  So proud. 
4. "Will you help me breath, mama?"  Ellie asks, during her last asthma attack.  Breaks my heart when these darn things creep up and there's no warning.
5.  We walk in the door at Nana's and Papaw's (my parents) and Erika immediately starts opening drawers to find treasures. 
6. emily: "I'm bored." me: "Write a letter to someone."  emily: "It makes me want to puke.  I feel nauseous when I write."  ( I think she's ready for her cast to come off, writing I guess, is pretty hard for her.)
7. I had to ask myself if the girls have too many clothes when I had three laundry baskets to put away last night.  Either that, or I waited too long waiting for a laundry fairy that never came to put them away!
8. I woke up to this note on my birthday: "Dear Mom, I hop you like my gift.  It is a imaganary pen.  It's not invisable, but you can draw and nothing will show up.  Have a good birthday.  Love, Emily  (It was a pen she sound on the bus that was out of ink... too cute!!!)
9. My favorite song right now that I find strength in is "Healing Hand of God" by Jeremy Camp.  The words are beautiful. 
10. Fairy party with 10 little girls this Friday for Ellie's party.  So sweet, and can't wait to share pics.

Happy tuesday!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS on the marathon!!!!! I'm so proud of you! I used to LOVE running, but after having the girls, it's been hard to get back into it; you've inspired me and no excuses anymore.

    Love the pen Emily gave you, such a cutie. Ellie asking you to help her breath breaks my heart, poor baby.

    Have a good weekend.
