Friday, December 4, 2009

Finding a new home

Yeah, it's Christmas time!  The magic of Christmas touches us no matter what our age!  At no other time of the year are traditions more important than at Christmastime.  A tradition is like a secret password that allows you into the club and tells you that you belong to something bigger than yourself.  Traditions bind people together as family, church, nation, or culture. 
I try to explain to my girls how God gave the gift of His Son, Jesus, to them.  We talk at night a lot about if they have opened their heart to Him.  At night tickling their faces, I pray that they please the Lord by opening the gift He has given to them.  The great thing is that they don't even have to wait to receive this gift until Christmas!  
Here's pictures of small memories in The Glover household-  the tree:
Did you know that the first person to use the evergreen tree was for the symbol of God?  Each point of the triangular-shaped tree represented a different Person of the Holy Trinity- Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Have you ever noticed that the boughs of your tree extend out like the arms of Jesus stretched upon the cross as He offered His life to anyone who would come to Him in faith?  Our tree points to Heaven! 
When we moved into our home, I think we fell in love with the two quiet streets and  our lot, and then the house plan.  We adore our home, but it seems a bit "tall" for what we're used to, so everything we have is a bit "small" for the house.  It's taken time, but this is the year for our Christmas tree!  Tall and skinny (just what I want to be!)  but I'll settle for the tree this year!  We were amazed that it puts together in three sections, unfolds, and is prelit!  No bad words from Rob this year lighting the tree and putting in each branch, it was beautiful! 
We put our "Granny" tree in the basement where it sparkles with years of memories, from Rob's childhood, to our first year of dating in 1989, to 2006, our last year with her, and still the latest 2009 ornaments I love to buy for the girls in honor of Granny.  When you look at our "Granny" tree, it tells a wonderful story through Hallmark ornaments.  I wanted to carry her tradition on, so I buy a Hallmark ornament that best reflects the girls' year and write on their box a special message to them that they will be able to take with them as they go their own ways to start their own trees. 

I will be the first to say that Christmas should be built around memories, and I think I get that from my mom.  There are so many things I remember from my childhood that I want to carry onto my children.  The picture shown below is one my mom made and decided to give to me to have in my home now- which is priceless.  She made it and it is one thing I remember from Christmas so dearly (and the statue of Santa praying by baby Jesus-  someday!  :).  I loved reading all the cards from friends we were blessed with throughout the years.

My sweet ornament that Rob's gramndma got for us the Christmas Sandy, Rob's mom passed away (and both my grandparents).  It is placed in the center of our tree as a daily reminder of pur grandparents'  love.

Another piece of Sandy (memories of Granny and her Winter Wonderland).  When Rob's Dad, Cork, moved into his condo, he downsized, which led him to picking some special things for us that he couldn't completely let go of, and wanted us to have.  (The girls specifically remember her chair covers!)

Snowglobes.  What else do I need to say?  They are the gift that just keeps giving!  We used to get them from Grandma Berberich, and then my mom began to carry the tradition.   Cork gave us lots of Sandy's that she had as well.  The girls faces are priceless as they twist the base and put the globe to their ear and talk about their memories.

Christmas... it brings out the child in all of us!!!

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