Monday, November 2, 2009

What to do with all that candy...

So much candy... ever wonder what to do with it all? I found these great tips on website- some fun ideas...

In the kitchen:

1. Freeze it. Throughout the year, add it to milkshakes, sundaes, ice cream, and plain cookie dough. (For a quick milkshake, add mini Butterfinger or Snickers bars to ice cream or frozen yogurt and milk. Bonus: add a banana!)

2. Bake it into cakes. Try peanut butter cup cookies or brownies with fun-sized candy bars inside. Or just put on top of cakes and cupcakes, or stir into icing. (For great recipes see

3. Make it a (sort of) healthy snack. Fill celery stalks with cream cheese and top with Peanut M&M's.

4. DIY Trail Mix. Open bags of little candies like M&M's and make your own trail mix by adding pretzels, nuts and dried fruit.

Adults Only:

5. Pair it with wine. (

6. Make homemade flavored vodka. Just drop it in a bottle and let it soak for awhile to make your own homemade, creative tasting alcohol.

7. Put chocolate into your coffee for a quick, easy mocha.

8. Keep some in your purse for when you need a sugar fix, or your kids need to be bribed.

Get crafty:

Make an advent calendar for November: Put candy in Dixie cups and cover with tissue. On the tissue, write numbers 1-30, and place the cups sideways on a large poster board to form a calendar. Let kids punch through the tissue to get their treats each day. (

9. Use it as a learning tool. Let kids practice counting or do their math homework with little Reeses Cups or Hershey Kisses.

10. Turn it into a science experiment! (

11. Save it for a gingerbread house.

12. Send to school for treasure box.

13. Take it to school's office, it will be gone in no time!

14. Donate to nursing homes, fire stations, women's shelter.

15. Send it overseas. ( will gladly take donations)

16. Just eat it!

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