Monday, May 3, 2010

"Come into my heart, Lord Jesus and stay with me forever."
This is the prayer Emily learned going through the process of First Communion at Sunday School class.  This day was a cause for great celebration!   Emily gives a glorious witness to God in everything she says and does.  I can see God alive in her.  She has a way about her that allows her to draw everyone closer to God.  After much preparation, the big day arrived!  She looked absolutely radiant in her white dress and veil.  Her little hands crossed on top of each other to receive a blessing from the priest was so touching.  She bowed before the bread and wine in a physical sign of respect for the presence of God. Great joy filled our heart as we witnessed Emily make a throne with her little hands to receive her Lord Jesus into her heart and her very body. 
Afterward, it was a beautiful afternoon with our large family.  At night when we tucked her in, she said she couldn't wait until next week to go back to Mass to receive the Body and Blood of Christ.  She is alive with the true spirit of God.  We should all receive Jesus with as much joy and delight as Mary does.  Her happy nature is a gift from God and she gratefully returns it back to Him. 
When Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me," her joy in receiving communion had to be what he meant. 
We should all be filled with excitement, joy and wonder because we have Jesus inside of us!


  1. Very sweet. We went to ally's first communion on Saturday as well.

  2. Ally looked beautiful, what a special day to celebrate that she made it to yet another memory.
