Friday, January 14, 2011

About Me.

I never thoughtt I'd be married to my teen age crush, the mother of three girls ages 6, 9 and 11 or be a stay-at-home mom and be homeschooling.   In my former life, I was a Type A, first born, A student who became a kindergarten teacher as an adult.  And now here I am. 

My life is full of personal growth and a determination to focus on the positives in life even when I'm trying to make lemons at every turn.  And my story is far from over. 

Being a mom to our children is one of my most prized roles.  Parenting is my passion.  I have other passions, too.  Like loving my husband, living my life for Jesus, and keeping family and friends as my priority. 

I'm a work in progress. I'm trying to figure out life, one day at a time.  This is my life.  My blog.  At least the parts I choose to share. 

When someone learns that we homeschool their typical responses are "WOW!" or "I could never do that!" On very rare occasions I receive comments about the big "S" word (socialization) or about testing.  Then of course there are the people that are very interested in why we homeschool.  there is of course no quick and easy answer to this question.  It just works for us.  for now.  We will take it year by year.  The path that God has taken me has taught me not to worry about tomorrow.  It's in His hands.  It all works itself out. 

I look at homeschooling as a lifestyle, an extension of my parenting, not purely an educational choice.  I am not always as patient as I would like to be but children often bring out the best and the worst in us.  I have enjoyed seeing that light bulb go off when they get something.  I love knowing just where they're at and what kind of learner they are.  I've enjoyed truly learning about the girls and who they are as people.  I am forever in awe at how amazing the human brain is and how my children think and learn. 

My children teach me something new every day and I wouldn't trade this time with them for anything.  I am thankful I am able to stay home, as that is not the case with so many of my friends.  I think the biggest lesson homeschooling has taught me is to slow down, cherish each moment because children grow so fast and to just enjoy each phase. 

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