Friday, August 7, 2009

Camping fun

I've been out of touch with technology for about a week, and part of me felt a little withdrawal and the other part felt it was really good for the soul to take a break from the outside world we feel so addicted to. We have had a camping trip to Dale Hollow planned with my sisters and their families and my parents planned for quite a few months. The girls were so excited to be camping and boating with their cousins, so it was a big disappointment (and scare) when Rob got a horrible tooth infection and had to have a root canal. He was so sore and in lots of pain, but when he went to tell the girls we weren't going, he couldn't tell them no. So we packed up and went. He healed pretty quickly and we ended up having a blast! We couldn't all fit on the boat at once, but we had plenty of fun on land as well! We made sit-upons, God's eyes, parachute, made grilled stuffed apples, played cards, went on a scavenger hunt, and lots more. Although camping is lots of work, it is really worth the memories.


  1. So glad you were able to go - what a trooper, Rob! Nothing puts things into perspective like being out on the water. Amazing memories..:)

  2. I love seeing your memories... so sweet!
    Miss you guys and would love to see you soon.
