Thursday, September 3, 2009

Sandy's Sunset

Tonight as I was in the kitchen, I couldn't stop glancing up and admiring the sunset. On many nights, the sky is gorgeous in our backyard, but tonight I especially was in awe the way the sun was peeking through the trees. It has been three years Sunday since Sandy left us here, joining the angels in Heaven. I feel her a lot, but we believe that the sunsets are her signs that she is near. Whenever there are moments that we wish Sandy were with us (dance recitals, school plays, dinners, etc), things she loved doing with us, we always see a sunset. Tonight, the girls were at the table as I was preparing dinner, and their conversation was priceless. They were discussing if they had a magic pot that doubled whatever you put into it, what they would put in. They were giggling and being very creative (money, asparagus, puppies, friends,) when Emily said she would like to double her American Girl Dolls. That's when I looked up at her and smiled and noticed the sunset. I know it was Granny beaming at her girls, wishing she was there with them. We miss you bunches Granny, you'll never be forgotten!


  1. Love this and the fact that you took the time to stop and take the picture :-).
    I too saw the sunset off of my front porch, it was so pretty! A nice little visit from Sandy tonight...

  2. I definitely believe those loved ones who have left us are our angels to guide us in their absence. What a cool way to share past and future memories. I am sure Sandy is enjoying her "visits"..what a special moment!

  3. Melissa, what a beautiful tribute.

    Lisa :)
