Sunday, March 28, 2010

Boat Races

With Rob having three girls, Indian Princess is the only way to go!  Indian Princess is a Father/Daughter group that gets together about once a month and does activities that allows them to spend time together.  They do all sorts of fun things: UD Basketball games, a father/daughter dance, campouts, bowling, roller skating, ice skating and the Big Boat Race.  Each tribe is responsible for planning one outing, and with Rob being the "chief" this year, is in charge of the Boat Race.  He had to cut enough wood to make about 120 kits.  Then each girl gets to design their own boat with the supplies given and they have a race Grant Park's creek.  The girls are busy putting their boats together, trying to predict what design will make it race the fastest.  They earn badges for various events and at the campout they learn the Adventure Princess Aims.  Erika was one of the few to memorize it:
1. To be clean in body and pure in heart.
2. To be friends forever with my Dad.
3. To love the sacred circle of my family.
4. To listen while others speak.
5. To love thy neighbor as myself.
6. To respect the traditions and beliefs of all people.
7. To seek to preserve the beauty of Our Creator's work in forest, field, and stream.

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