Saturday, March 27, 2010

First Broken Bone

Our first broken bone.  Poor Emily.  Well, if you ask her, she's loved it!  She broke it while Daddy was out of town, and now there's not one spot for him to sign.  She's one popular girl!  These are the kiddos we carpool with that go to Bowman with Em.  They were the first to sign her cast. 

Here is Brooke, our neighbor, signing, while she is struggling with her foot.  She's such a good little gymnast, but needed to take the winter off for therapy.  Erika's sweet, she helps both with their bookbags on the bus.

Here's Nana signing her cast at Emmy's school.  They had a research project displayed and my parents were able to come, since Rob was out of town.  I have to say, I was excited and nervous at the same time for them to see Bowman.  For the last two years, they've seen the girls flourish at The Academy, and for them to come to Bowman with over 800 children in 1st and 2nd grade, can be quite overwhelming.  Even though I'm 37 years old, there's still something about me wanting my parents approval.  Bowman is new with some  dynamic staff and incredible principal, and I truly believe God has His Hand on my shoulder to get me through this year.  All 3 girls have INCREDIBLE teachers, and feel so blessed.  We miss so much about The Academy that the public schools cannot replace, but the gift of me being able to be home with Rob's busy schedule, makes Lebanon City Schools pretty much worth it.  The girls are thriving and growing and learning lots and have developed great friendships.  What more could we want?

Emily researched Mother Teresa and did an amazing job!  We laughed and said she was going to get kicked out of the public schools!  But since we went to her teacher's Catholic wedding, we knew she would be on our side!  :)  She made a timeline, had to research and paraphrase a biography of her, draw a self-portrait, make a PowerPoint slide, write a fictional story with Mother Teresa as the main character, and design a poster!  It was a huge process, and worth it!  She learned so much!  Tonight Rob and I were discussing a couple's situation that really wasn't any of our business, and from the other room, Emily called out: "If you judge someone, you have no time to love them."  (straight from Mother Teresa's mouth!)  I'd say Emily definitely learned something!!!  Emily, my Mother Teresa!

1 comment:

  1. This post made me so happy Melissa! I'm so glad the girls are doing well in the new school and I'm so glad YOU are doing well with them in the new school. Not easy for a mama!

    LOL about Emily and her broken arm....she does look a little pleased about it. ;)

    Someday soon, I tell you, we are going to have to meet up at the ice cream shop in downtown!

