Wednesday, July 28, 2010

My Rock

I feel like I've been on blogcation!  Our summer days fill up and go by so quickly!  I feel guilty because I continue to quickly read through my friends' blogs, yet can't find the time to work on my own.  It's my loss.  I am the one that loves to go back through our days and see what a blessed life we live.  So I vow to do better in documenting our lives.  There are just so many distractions...
Besides that, this week I've been very sad.  Yesterday was our Anniversary, 14 years.  (Actually, 21 years since we've been dating!)  But that's not why I'm sad.  I am sad because a dear friend lost her husband at 38 years old.  The picture-perfect family, a beautiful wife, 4 gorgeous children, ages 5-9.  That is not right, it is so unfair.  My thoughts have been consumed by my friend's new life without the love of her life, and how she is going to cope.  (Her sister has a gift for words, you can read her blog about her loss,, and her own blog is on the right called, The Great World City.  So I am sad that sometimes I miss my husband when he travels, but now, that seems so selfish.  Rob was out of town yesterday, on our anniversary, and it was our friends' husbands' funeral.  I stood in line by myself for three hours just to hug her and share hugs speechlessly.  She was blessed with an amazing husband, just not long enough.  So, on our anniversary, I toast my darling husband and my partner in life, and I thank God for everyday we have together.

21 years ago, I went bowling with a group of friends, and he was there.  Afterwards, he stopped by with a group of guys at my best friends' house.  We hung out for awhile, and I thought, I REALLY like this guy!  We've never looked back.  We've had our less easy times, and some pretty big sorrows, but we've worked hard to keep the lines of communication open, and have done our darndest to keep our bond, on many levels, healthy and strong.   A marriage needs tending, regular doses of laughter, gazing stupidly at each other, and the unwavering insistence on being the best friends we can be.  We fit, and I couldn't be happier.  Happy anniversary, my love!

1 comment:

  1. aw, Happy Anniversary Mis!
    My heart is hurting for your friend! :(
